Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Party Confessions

I have a confession.
I've never, ever in my life made chicken wings.
(That is, until the Super Bowl came 'round.)

According to the Wall Street Journal, more than 1.25 billion chicken wings are eaten on Super Bowl Sunday. And I'm proud to say I made 16 of those.

My Super Bowl soiree was last minute and cozy. Regardless of size, I wanted to ensure the first impression of the food table would score a first down, so I covered my table in indoor outdoor carpet. A quick trip to the home store - in my case, Home Depot - was successful. The helpful staff cut a piece for me, right off the large carpet roll. After about $12, I had enough carpet to cover the table plus a fancy sharp utility knife for cutting it to the right size.

The grass IS always greener...especially when it's plastic.
And, after the Super Bowl party, I now have an affordable and really unique table topper I can use for a summer barbecue or any festivity where I want to bring the great outdoors in.

Korean BBQ wings, fig & sopressata pizza, chicken nuggets with
3 sauces, salty snacks and a goal post tower of sweets.

As mentioned, I'd never made chicken wings before, and after poring over online recipes, I found one of the more simpler recipes for Teryaki wings with about 8 ingredients. I started in the Asian foods aisle to pick up soy sauce, and that's when it called to me: Bibigo Korean Sauces. Why buy 8 ingredients when one jar had it all?

I tossed the wings in a crockpot, added one jar of original Korean BBQ Sauce and cooked the wings on medium for 4 - 5 hours. Before serving, I put the wings on a baking sheet and put them under the broiler for about 3 - 4 minutes, just until the skin started to crisp. I was happy with the tasty results given how easy this was and imagine that any bottled sauce (BBQ, buffalo and more) would work well.  

A closer look at what's playing the field. This is the
half-time shot before all of the food was gone.

I even allowed a Papa John's delivery item to be served from my table (*gasp!*). Chicken nuggets were offered for those who like meat but don't like the bone. I added ramekins of honey mustard, ranch and BBQ sauce for dipping. When artfully arranged on a plate with the other homemade food, they fit right in with the theme.

Regardless of which team you're rooting for, everyone can agree a winning spread makes the game.


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