Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Save the Best for Last: Fast Forward to 12/31/13

A New Year...and with it, new ideas, new energy and a renewed sense of "This is the year I finally [fill in the blank with your resolution]!"

I'm not immune to that energy. In fact, I'm caught up in it, right there with you. As do many, I'm resolving to focus on my fitness - and, I've been to the gym every day since January 1st. (Pay no mind it's January 2nd.) But, as time ticks on, we become mired in the daily grind. Career, family and commitments cry for attention, and in the end, we put ourselves - and our resolutions - last. What started out as an annual challenge lasted for a mere few weeks.

Now, what if - what IF - there was a way to guarantee we celebrated the successes of our year? This might be the easiest resolution you make in the New Year, and it just might bring you the most happiness.

This week, start the year with an empty jar. It can be a Mason jar, a fancy jar or any other type of jar you wish. Next, place a pen and Post-It notes or small pad of paper near the jar.

Now, fill it with good things that happen throughout the year. Celebrate successes, capture cherished moments - just be sure to jot them down. Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate.

One jar + one pen + one pad of paper = countless memories.

Fast forward to New Year's Eve. With your significant other, family, friends, or in a quiet moment alone, picture yourself reaching into that jar and slip after slip, reading about all of the amazing happenings of the past year. Imagine being able to sit in a place of gratitude for the year and relive all of those memories.

That's it. Kind of like saving pennies for a rainy day, think of this as saving up for the best pay day of all at the end of the year.

If you're inspired, pick up a jar and pen and paper for your friends and family. Dress them up with a ribbon or sack them in a gift bag and share this idea with them. Who knows? Maybe you'll all share your jars, together, on New Year's Eve

Whatever memories you capture this year, I hope your jar is jammed full.